Become a Sponsor

Become a Sponsor

Your support shapes extraordinary experiences and lasting positive community change

Benefits of sponsoring the Eagle Mushroom & Wild Food Festival

By designating resources to the Eagle Mushroom & Wild Food Festival, your support shapes our collective success, fosters impactful community engagement and amplifies awareness for the organization’s mission and initiatives.

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Community Enrichment

Contribute to elevating our vibrant mountain community

Education & Nature Exploration

Align your brand with promoting environmental awareness and building connections to nature

Mission Alignment

Enhance your corporate responsibility with your commitment to causes positively impacting our community

Networking Opportunities

Connect with like-minded businesses, community leaders, and individuals supporting EMF

Tax Benefits

Optimize your tax strategy by leveraging eligible, tax-deductible marketing expenses

Manifest Leadership

Position your brand as a leader in supporting the growing movement in sustainable, locally-sourced cuisine

Foster Sustainable Practices

Appeal to environmentally conscious consumers by promoting sustainable and eco-friendly event practices

Brand Exposure

Gain visibility through prominent placement in promotional materials, event signage, and online platforms